We all love a good Story!

It’s been almost four years since Instagram introduced Stories to the platform (we can’t believe it’s been that long either), and whilst it took some time for people to get to grips with them, a massive 500 million accounts use Instagram Stories every day.

In fact, they are fast becoming a key feature to a business’ social media strategy and if you’re not using them for business, you could be missing out on a huge opportunity.

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Chloe Luper
How to use User Generated Content on Instagram

In case you weren’t aware, User Generated Content (UGC), is any form of content, such as images, videos, text, and audio, that has been posted by users on social media platforms to promote a brand.

Using UGC on Instagram is an effective way to strengthen your content strategy. Not only does it allow you to diversify your posts and better represent your community, but it’s also the best way to crowd-source beautiful, scroll-stopping content for your feed and can save time and money (if you pay professional photographers to take your snaps!)

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Chloe Luper
Fresh Out Of Ideas? Let Us Help!

We know the feeling; you’ve had a cracking social media content plan all Summer and now things are starting to slow down a little, you don’t know what to post. So, what do you do when you’re fresh out of ideas for social media?

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Chloe Luper
Let's Talk Facebook Advertising!

In our previous blog, we discussed why, as a business, you should be investing in social media advertising.

As promised, in this blog we’re taking a closer look at Facebook advertising and we’ll provide you with an overview on the three types of adverts that we mainly use here in Social Soda, because we know they bring results.

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Chloe Luper
Should I Be Advertising On Social Media

Social media advertising is a must if you’re looking to reach a new, targeted audience and fast.

With organic reach more competitive than ever on all of the social media platforms, the only real way to stay ahead of the game is by advertising. Organic reach has been on a steady decline for some time now, thanks to a shift in the algorithm, but if you ‘pay to play,’ you’ll find that this will actually improve your organic reach over time.

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Chloe Luper
Top 5 Topics To Go Live With

You’re ready to take the plunge. You’ve jumped onboard the ‘go live’ train, but it hasn’t left the platform yet... You want to stay connected to your audience, show them your friendly face, but you don’t know what to broadcast.

A lot of this depends on your business. Here at Social Soda we would always look at our client’s marketing strategy to determine themes, but here’s 5 go-to topics to get you started!

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Chloe Luper
How To 'Clean Up' Your Social Media Pages

Ok, so we’ve all promised to make an extra effort with our social media pages during lockdown, and 10 weeks in, we’ve increased our followers and got some great content going out. But…if your business page is looking a little dated, now may be the time to ‘zhuzh’ it up, so your fantastic content has an amazing canvas.

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Chloe Luper
Now Is The Time To Go Live

The current lockdown is having a tough effect on everyone, and in reality, we’ll probably be dealing with social limitations for some time yet.

We’ve all had to adapt our social practices and find new ways to stay connected and businesses have had to find new ways to engage with audiences and use their social media platforms to their advantage.

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Chloe Luper
Social Distancing Doesn't Necessarily Mean Stop Social Media!

As we enter at least another three weeks of lockdown in the UK, we’re all adjusting to social distancing and here at Social Soda, we’ve had to pivot campaigns, adjust content calendars and come up with new creative ideas to keep our client’s followers engaged.

Staying connected is now more important than ever, with people and businesses relying on social media to stay in touch with friends, catch up on breaking news, and be entertained.

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Chloe Luper