


Organic Social Media Case Study:
Auction House Cumbria


We truly appreciate it when businesses come to us with an awareness of what isn’t working and some goals. When Auction House Cumbria approached us they had clear objectives and challenges:

  • They knew they needed to be on social media but didn’t know where to start.
  • They wanted to generate awareness and grow their audiences on social media but they didn’t have a strategy to achieve this.
  • They believed social media could work for them but weren’t sure what success looked like.
  • As one of the leading auction houses in Cumbria, they had no footprint on social media.
  • They didn’t have time to execute a social media strategy.

Initial Stats:

Prior to our partnership, Auction House Cumbria had 400 cumulative fans across social media and were generating 40 engagements in total per month.

Our Work:

  • We created a clear organic social media strategy.
  • We focused on generating vendor inquiries, educating followers, and inspiring potential bidders.
  • We grew their following 100x from what they started with, across Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
  • We built awareness, anticipation and participation for auction events through live streaming and story content.

October 2020 Stats:

  • Auction House Cumbria now has 50,000+ cumulative fans across Facebook, X, LinkedIn and Instagram.
  • They are reaching 300,000+ people on average every month exclusively through organic social media content.
  • They are generating over 9,500 organic social media engagements each month from followers.
  • Social Media is the third biggest referrer of website traffic to the Auction House Cumbria website per month with an average of more than 4,000 website visits per month directly from organic social media content.
  • Generating 3,000 social media profile views on average a month.
  • Our Facebook live streams from auction events generate over 5,000 views!

View Auction House Cumbria Work:

Organic and Paid Social Media Strategy:
Auction House North West


Following the success of our work with Auction House Cumbria, we began working with Auction House North West. This campaign focusing on building brand awareness and driving vendor inquiries through paid and organic campaigns on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Auction House North West came to us with the following objectives and challenges:

  • They wanted to boost engagement and grow their audiences but didn’t know how to target potential vendors and auction bidders.
  • They wanted to use social media to educate fans about the auction process and build excitement for live auction events but didn’t have a strategy.
  • They wanted to create a paid social media advertising campaign but didn’t know where to start.

Initial Stats:

At the time they had 1,000 cumulative fans across social media and were generating 100 engagements in total per month.

Our Work:

Through a clear paid and organic social media strategy focused on generating vendor inquiries, educating, and inspiring potential bidders we add 29,000 followers across Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn and dramatically increase engagement.

October 2020 Stats:

  • Auction House North West now has 30,000+ cumulative fans across Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
  • They are reaching 750,000+ people on average every month directly through organic and paid social media content.
  • They are generating over 70,000 organic social media engagements each month from fans.
  • We are generating 15,000 website visits per month to the Auction House North West website.

View Auction House North West Work:

Social Media Community Management:


Booths engaged us to run and coordinate the community management across the Booths’ social media channels outside of working hours, weekends, and daily cover.

The main objective was to answer 100% of customer interactions across social media with engagement and to provide crisis management.

The Results

We are delighted to have achieved a 100% engagement rate for Booths since we began working together in 2017. We are a trusted supplier and have a close ongoing relationship with the Booths’ marketing department, continuing to provide out of hours social media support.


View Booths Work:



64% of online shoppers say that a video on social media helped them decide on a product to buy.