Top 5 Topics To Go Live With


You’re ready to take the plunge. You’ve jumped onboard the ‘go live’ train, but it hasn’t left the platform yet... You want to stay connected to your audience, show them your friendly face, but you don’t know what to broadcast.

A lot of this depends on your business. Here at Social Soda we would always look at our client’s marketing strategy to determine themes, but here’s 5 go-to topics to get you started!

1. A live Q&A session. This is a great opportunity for your audience to ask any questions that they want the answers to. You could either ask them to send their questions prior to the broadcast or ask them to comment during the livestream.

2. Share how you’re feeling and coping with the lockdown. Do you have any tips that you can share with your audience? What is working for you? This can be anything from how you’re dealing with working from home or how you’re surviving a food shop!

3. Talk about an upcoming project or product. Is there something on the horizon that you are able to share with your viewers? Not only will this make your audience feel special, it’s also something for them to look forward to when things eventually go back to normal.

4. Are you a fitness expert or a health Guru? Do a fun live workout session or create some yummy gluten-free banana bread live on air - ask your audience to ‘play along’. Estate Agents can give virtual tours of their own homes, just like if they had a potential buyer around or Bridal Boutiques can do a fashion show from their front room! Think about your business and how you can help people in an interactive way.

5. Use a livestream as an opportunity for your audience to ‘meet the team’. During broadcasting on Instagram, there is the opportunity to request someone to take part in your video. Discuss this with your team and have them pop up at various times throughout the broadcast. Only 2 people can share the screen at the same time, therefore if you have a keen team, you will need to factor this in.

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So, you’ve got your topic and the train is pulling away from the platform you’re ready....Check out our next blog ‘Now is the Time to Go Live’ to prepare you for pressing record!

Chloe Luper