Get Holiday Season Ready with your Social Media Platforms

Dare we mention the ‘C’ word yet? Yes, that’s right Christmas is around the corner, which means social media usage is going to be at an all-time high. As businesses get ready to promote their Black Friday deals and festive offers, it’s time to make sure you’re ready for the influx of visitors to your pages.

You simply cannot afford to miss out on opportunities, so we’re here armed with goodies to help you tackle, what hopefully should be a busy period for you. Sit back, grab a cuppa and a mince pie and read our Do’s and Don’ts!


Do be active on the platform (or platforms) where your audience spends time. If you’ve only got three followers on Twitter with little interaction don’t spend all your time there. You don’t have time to waste in places where you’ll see little return.

Do optimise your social media profiles. Spend the next few days making sure your profiles are up to date. Do you have a seasonal image you can update your header page with? Are you contact details and opening times up to date? Now is the time to decorate your page and make sure it’s sparkling like a Christmas tree!

Do publish high-quality content that your audience values. Spend some time looking back over your analytics to see which posts have worked well and which posts haven’t. Was there a campaign last year that got tons of engagement? There’s nothing wrong with re-purposing content that works. Just make sure that it’s not a complete copy or your audience will switch off.

Do share content in a variety of formats.

Do track the results of your social media strategy and if it’s not working, change it!


Don’t forget about your social media pages. We know it’s a busy time of the year, but this doesn’t mean to say you should neglect what’s out there on social.

Don’t get into a war of words with your followers. Ok, its not only the most wonderful time of the year, but it can also be the most stressful time of the year and we all know that Christmas brings complaints. If someone chooses to air their disappointment that Grandma Joan’s scarf is taking longer than expected to arrive, remember what we taught you about community management…Take a deep breath, apologise publicly for the inconvenience and ask your customer to message your privately to deal with behind keyboard warrior’s eyes.

Don’t ask for likes, shares or follows. Remember, this is against social media rules and now is not the time to be banned from platforms!

Don’t share the same content every day. Yes, it can be easy (if you’re super busy) to churn out the same message but remember…your audience has heard this before. The last thing you want to do is bore them and make them switch off. If you don’t have seven good pieces of content to post daily for the week, but you can manage four, go with four posts. There’s no law to say you have to post content every day. If you do get stuck for ideas, why not take a look back at our blog ‘Fresh Out of Ideas? Let Us Help!’

Don’t over promote your content.

So, there we have it. The Do’s and Don’ts to get you through the next few weeks. Whether you’re a new business starting out on social media, or a seasoned pro…we hope we’ve provided some hints and tips to make a busy period a pleasant period.

If you need help with your social media, why not drop us an email to see what we can do for you. Contact us at

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Chloe Luper