Brand Focus: Aldi


There's something irresistible about scrolling through Aldi's social media feeds…


Whether it's their latest foodie product or their hilarious memes, Aldi never fails to entertain. And if you're in the business of social media marketing, there's a lot to learn from their approach. From witty comments to tongue-in-cheek marketing campaigns, Aldi is a brand that truly knows how to connect with its audience. In this blog post, we'll explore why they’re the undisputed champion of social media and what you can learn from their approach.


Cheeky Marketing Campaigns

Aldi's marketing campaigns have a habit of going viral for all the right reasons. From the minute they tweet, post or email their promotions, we can't help but share them. Remember the "Lacura Caviar" skincare range that was a direct dig at La Prairie's luxury brand? Or perhaps the "Free Cuthbert" drama that took Twitter by storm? Aldi knows how to get people talking, and their marketing campaigns are successful in doing so.


Timely Pop Culture References

Aldi has a knack for keeping up with what's trending. From matching outfits with hit TV series to their "iconic" take on the 'this is fine' meme or Celine Dion's gender-neutral clothing line launch, Aldi has been there and done that - all with remarkable creativity! They understand the power of a timely pop culture reference and know how to incorporate it into their social media posts and campaigns to reach more and more audiences.

Engaging Posts

Aldi never misses an opportunity to engage with their followers. They reply to customer questions, complaints, and comments with a touch of humour and authenticity that stands out on social media platforms. Whether it's their responses to customers unhappy with the lack of an item or their participation in social media challenges, Aldi makes sure to set a tone that is memorable.


Showcase Their Products

For Aldi, social media isn't just a means of entertaining their customers; it's also an excellent way to showcase their products. Their posts range from simple recipe ideas to artistic photos of their products that perfectly capture their unique selling points, high quality and affordable prices.


Social Responsibility

Aldi also uses social media to communicate their social responsibility efforts. From investing in sustainable energy to their anti-litter campaign, Aldi has no qualms when it comes to showing their commitment to the environment in tandem with their products and services offerings.


Overall, Aldi knows how to keep people talking and stay in the minds of their customers. The key takeaway for other brands who want to replicate their approach is to show their products in a unique way, participate in current trends and engage with their followers on a personal level.

Aldi, we can't wait to see what you have in store for us next! 🐛


Chloe Luper