Atomicon June 2023

Last week, we had the absolute pleasure to attend Atomicon 2023 in Newcastle!

This was an event like no other, full of thought-provoking conversations, presentations from social media specialists and innovators from leading industry brands. Read on to find out about our experience…

This year's event boasted an impressive line-up of keynote speakers, including none other than fitness sensation Joe Wicks, acclaimed designer and entrepreneur Chris Do, social media guru Sophie Miller, AI expert Molly Mahoney and LinkedIn master Lea Turner. Each session was engaging, informative and packed with practical insights!

So, what did we learn at the event?

While attending Paul Ramondo’s session, we looked at a new system for Meta advertising - what Paul dubbed “The Ubiquitous Content Machine” - and learned how to further amplify the impact of adverts on Facebook and Instagram. Ultimately, this means boosted brand engagement and high-quality leads.

By utilising AI technology in new ways, we can further streamline the process of our content creation. During Molly Mahoney’s talk, we learned about the importance of infusing this content with human emotion, perspective, and storytelling to keep things authentic, relatable and, above all, engaging. This helps us to create a connection with our audience, leading to more conversions and a greater impact.

Of course, we were especially excited when it came to Chris Do’s session. Having worked over 2 decades in advertising, closing with clients such as X-Box, Toyota, PlayStation and Honda, we knew Chris would have some fantastic insights into sales. As simple as it may sound, sales is not simply pitching or being charismatic, it’s about asking questions and serving others. With the fresh strategies we picked up during this talk, we’re ready to continue generating outstanding sales for the companies we work with.

As a social media agency, it felt so important to be deeply immersed in the current climate with respect to digital and how those topics relate not only on social media but also within our increasingly connected world.

Clients can have extra assurance that we stay up to date with new developments which help inform their campaigns. We left Atomicon enlightened and thrilled by what we had learned about marketing trends for the future!

That’s all for now, Emily and Clodagh

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Chloe Luper