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Resolutions for Social Media Success in 2024

Let’s raise a glass to the new year and discover some social media resolutions that will put you ahead of the competition in 2024! 🍾


Get Creative with Video Content

Video content has been growing in popularity for years and it's showing no sign of slowing down. In 2024, video content is set to account for 82% of all internet traffic. So, if you haven't already, it's time to jump on the bandwagon and get creative with your video content. Try experimenting with different formats like live streaming, short-form video content like TikTok, or even longer-form educational content. The possibilities are endless, so why not start brainstorming ideas now?


Embrace Interactive Content

Engaging your audience is key to social media success and interactive content is an excellent way to do this. In 2024, make it a resolution to create more quizzes, polls and interactive graphics. Not only is it a fun way to engage your followers, but it also provides valuable data and insights into your audience's preferences and behaviours, allowing you to better tailor your content to their interests. ✍️


Prioritise Authenticity and Transparency

In recent years, consumers have become more discerning when it comes to brands they choose to follow and engage with on social media. They want to see authenticity and transparency in your content and communications. So, in 2024, make it a resolution to be more honest, open and authentic in your social media posts. Share more behind-the-scenes content, be upfront about your business practices and engage in honest conversations with your followers.


Invest in Social Media Advertising

Organic reach on social media is becoming increasingly challenging, which means it's essential to invest in social media advertising if you want to see significant growth. Make it a resolution in 2024 to explore different advertising options like paid social media ads, influencer marketing and sponsored content. These tactics can help you reach a broader audience to drive more sales and conversions. ✨


Keep Up with Social Media Trends

The social media landscape is always changing and it's essential to keep up with the latest trends and best practices. Make it a resolution in 2024 to stay up-to-date on social media news and be aware of new features and updates. Attend industry events, read industry blogs and connect with fellow marketers on social media to stay informed and ahead of the curve.