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Instagram Introduces New Video App (IGTV)

Have you noticed a brand-new button at the top of your Instagram? It’s a little TV-shaped button, I bet you were wondering what it was for?! Well, here’s what it is and how you can use it.

Instagram recently announced that they were releasing a new app called IGTV that will feature full-screen, hour-long videos created by the accounts you follow.

Up until now, video content on Instagram has been limited to a maximum of 60 seconds in feeds and 10 seconds per stories frame – frustrating if you have a whole lot more to show! With a single click the IGTV app opens and the videos start rolling immediately.

Instagram TV fills the gap between YouTube, where users expect long videos but need to search for them, and Snapchat/Instagram Stories, where users are fed content, but only in bite-sized pieces. It’s a novel form of video content shared on an app that 500 million people check daily.

It’s a relatively small addition to Instagram, however it could have a major impact on digital video. Read on for further details on Instagram’s new video option and some tips on how to make the most of it.

The Basics

  • Videos are full screen and vertical.
  • Videos can be from 15 seconds to 60 minutes long (the full 60 minutes is currently only available to verified accounts).
  • You can watch IGTV content from your Instagram app or from the dedicated IGTV app.
  • Videos start playing automatically upon opening the IGTV app.
  • Users can like, comment or send videos to friends via direct messaging.
  • Videos can be uploaded via the IGTV app or the web.
  • File size is up to 3.6GB.
  • File type is MP4
  • Video size is 9:16
  • Video thumbnail or cover image is JPEG.
  • Currently no advertising options are available but watch this space…

Creating your own IGTV is completely easy – tap on the little TV icon, then when the app loads, click on the cog wheel and select ‘Create Channel’.

There you go - here is your gateway to videos!

Best Practice

Everyone’s strategy for IGTV will be completely different, however here are some best practices to give you the best start on the app:

  • Use IGTV for videos 2-5 minutes long. Shorter videos will sit better in your old-school feed.
  • Did you know 85% of Facebook videos are viewed without sound? If your content relies on dialogue to get your story across –add subtitles.
  • You can’t shoot videos from the IGTV app itself, so you’ll need to use your smartphone, but make sure you always shoot in portrait mode and make sure you leave sufficient margin for zooming and cropping the video – keep your subject central! Keep your video neat and simple – people will be watching it from their phones, so no need to overcomplicate it.
  • Make the first video you upload an introduction to your brand and give your followers and new visitors an idea as to what to expect from your channel.
  • Just because you can upload a video up to an hour long, this doesn’t mean you necessarily should do so!
  • Make sure you understand what IGTV is designed to be and create your content accordingly. Remember, as soon as the app opens, the video starts playing – your videos should be engaging from the start to maximise retention.
  • Create different types of content, don’t keep videos the same or followers and new visitors will switch off. Some ideas could be tutorials, product demos, team introductions, office tours, behind the scenes, educational videos – the scope is fantastic!
  • As you upload different types of video, keep an eye on how they are performing. IGTV offers insights for every single video you upload. Use this data to gain a better understanding as to what works for your audience and what makes them turn off.

Pink Icon Bubbles

Social media is all about that human interaction and what better way to build a digital relationship with your current and future customers than with entertaining and engaging video content.

If IGTV has got you excited for digital media for your business, but you don’t know where to start, why not get in touch and see if we can help you? Check out our website or email